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Showing posts from November, 2016

The Slow Forward Match to Greatness

We all have goals that we’d like to reach. And, if we had the choice, we would prefer to reach them sooner rather than later. We want to get results now. We want to make plans, pursue them and achieve immediate results. My experience teaching younger children has taught me some life lessons. First, the power of patience. Second, the power of repetition. Third, the power of learning by portion. Esther is a little girl I teach. She's active and ready to learn but easily distracted. She was yet to master the use of letters to form words. Words that rhyme. My goal for her was to make her master two-lettered words in one week, three-lettered words in the second week, four-lettered words in the third week. All in three weeks. By the fourth week, she would begin to read texts written from two letters to four letters. I set these goals in high spirits. I thought within myself:  If I can achieve this - I'll count myself an effective teacher, besides her parents would be impressed th...

Passion, Motivation and Consistency: Companions on the Journey to Greatness

If you investigate the life of the 'successful people' around you, you'll discover ' all' of these three things about them : Passion, Motivation and Consistency. A brief insight into these three qualities will tell us how they use them. The Role of Passion You've probably gotten used to the phrase - 'have Passion.' The truth is you've got to have passion for whatever you set your mind to do. What Passion actually does is that it sets us on the path. It tells us what we should do. Many people stop at passion. They can see the track before them but don't seem to begin the journey. This is where Passion hands over the baton to Motivation. The role of Motivation We usually use words like - -I have passion for writing but there are so many writers out there. -I know within me that I can influence people with by words but I don't seem to have the courage. -I've got business ideas but I’m too old/too young/too inexperienced to exp...