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The Action Word 'do'

We all have goals, desires and dreams that we want to achieve in our lives. Whatever it is, there is only one word that can bring our dreams to reality. That word is 'do'.

It does not matter what you want to become. What matters is the decisions you make, the actions you take, what you do to become what you desire to be.

We are defined not by what we know or say but by what we do.

A writer writes, a student studies, a teacher teaches, a singer sings, a worker works, a driver drives, a dancer dances, a drummer drums, a speaker speaks, a preacher preaches, etc.

It can be tricky to assume that the gap between where you are now and where you want to be in the future is as a result of lack of knowledge. We believe that a new result require new knowledge.

I agree with you. 

But what I'm beginning to realize now is that we use learning as a cloak to avoid taking action on the goals that are important to us.

We know so much that we do so less. We acquire so much knowledge day by day that we apply so little of those knowledge to our daily lives.

For instance,
You could know so much about time management, how to avoid procrastination, and so on. The knowledge on it's own is a means to help you make more informed decisions when you do decide to take action.

But what we do is we do not take action at all. We accumulate knowledge after knowledge but do nothing of what we have learnt or acquired.

We all have the tendency to give up on our goals, to lose focus, to become idle.That's definitely an expressway to live an unimportant insignificant life.

But there are some who overcome this tendency. They are the 'doers'

Being a doer is not as difficult as it seems.

It's simple.
- As a student, all you have do is to pick up a subject and study.

- As a writer, just pick up a pen and write.

- As a musician, pick up your instrument and compose a song.

- Whatever you are or will be, start somewhere, do something.

Enough of the wishy-washy. Enough of the idleness and day dreaming. Enough of researching the best method to approach your goals but end up procrastinating. Enough of the telling others what you can do or wish to do or should do or must do without taking any action to do them.

The only way to keep moving is to keep doing. That's the only way to live a significant life.


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