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Keep a Journal; Make your Autobiography; Write a book.

Proverbs 10:14 KJV
"Wise men lay up knowledge:..."

The word "lay up" means to store. Simply put,  it means to document. Many people do not understand the importance of storing information. It is good practise for Wise men to lay up knowledge.

Why it is Important to Lay Up Knowledge
A tour into the life of historical and contemporary successful men shows that these men have a library of books. A foremost example is Dr. Ben Carson. Ben's life was transformed as a result of his mother's firm decision to make him not only to consume the knowledge in books but to reflect by writing down weekly reports of those books read. His mother took this firm decision as a result of what she discovered in the apartment of a wise old man for whom she was an house cleaner - a library of books. She was shocked to discover this old man owned these books and often read them. She was challenged and therefore compelled her boys to not only for read books but also to write a weekly report of the books read. This of course transformed the life of Ben Carson.

Dr. Ben has not given up this practise since then. He now does not only read books, he now writes books, books filled with stories of his childhood experiences and experiences as a neurosurgeon.

Why Keep a Journal
Important events happen to us in life. These events can only be preserved through writings. Imagine if Dr. Ben never had a journal, he would of course have lost some very important memories of his past and we wouldn't have had the privilege of knowing his story. (Quick test for college students - what's the surname of your seat mate at high school? ... )

(Time up!)  (Time up!)  (Time up!)

We keep a journal due to the following reasons:

1. It's the usual practise of wise men.
Do you know that numerous famous historical men kept journals? Billy Graham, American's great evangelist, kept a journal for his daily life despite his very busy schedule. Martin Luther King Jnr,  Abraham Lincoln and many others commented on important experiences they had in their daily life on a journal. Why not consider keeping one too.

2. It brings to memory important dates and notable events
There are notable events you don't want to forget - including it's details. If you don't write on a journal, important experiences in your life would be lost. (The faintest pen is sharper than the sharpest brain.)

3. You can write a book
Keeping a daily journal is all it takes to write an outstanding autobiography. Perhaps you can write a book as a result of your experiences as a student, parent, nurse etc. If you already have a journal or still remember vividly wonderful experiences, you can begin to write your autobiography. You never can tell how far this will go. It could be best seller and you would suddenly become a millionaire.

Wise men lay up knowledge. Inspired men have an habit of documenting. Keep a journal; make your own autobiography; write a book. Have a library of books to which you can resort to for knowledge. Laying up knowledge is usual practice of Wise men.

Are you Wise?


  1. As opposed to just documentation, it's important to write the things you're inspired about.


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