The book of Proverbs provide immense knowledge about life and answers many life practical questions. Here in this blog and this article, you'll learn the applicability of the book of proverbs to various life situations and circumstances. Keep on learning, keep on improving and keep on growing. Being at the top is all about climbing to the top, and as long as you keep climbing, you're already there - at the top!
Here is the well of wisdom we want to draw out from:
Proverbs 18:1-2 KJV
Through desire a man, having separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom. [2] A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself.
Through desire a man, having separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom. [2] A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself.
Desire is what sets the ball rolling. Desire is what puts the individual on the move. Desire is passion and decision put together. Life happens to everyone and majority of what happens to us in life tend to water down or kill our passion for life. Only desire can resurrect that passion - an active, lively desire.
A students gets into higher institution with the passion to make a difference on Campus. He studies rigorously, attends lectures, goes for night classes and pays every price payable. For reasons unknown and unclear to us, after his first semester exams, he receives his result and it's all average. He expects an A but he gets a B or a C. He becomes a little bit discouraged. During the second semester, he aims high for excellence but not high enough in comparison to the previous semester. Still for reasons unclear to us, the same thing repeats itself during the second semester. Slowly and gradually, his passion begins to wane. He begins to think academics is no longer worth the price of effort and diligence. More dangerously, he applies this philosophy to life and begins to live like everyone else.
Whatever may have happened to you in life. Don't let that slow you down. Put that behind you. It's now a past. Rise up with fresh desire and climb your way to the top.
How does Climbing One's Way to the Top Happen?
Through desire a man, having separated himself...
1. Cut away from distractions
As we climb to the top, so many things would distract our attention. You want to study but you are distracted by the endless social media notifications you receive on your phone. Various things buggle our minds and stops us from concentrating on the task at hand. Focus is a major lack in individuals as it hinders them from concentrating on their goals. These distractions could be in form of urgencies of life - a gas cylinder to fill, a social media notification to attend to, errands to run, meal to prepare, clothes to wash, an assignment to submit, a friend to visit, etc. Some of these noises and urgencies of life may be genuine and necessary. Set aside time to attend to these urgencies of life but never allow these urgencies of life get in your way when it is time to grow.
As we climb to the top, so many things would distract our attention. You want to study but you are distracted by the endless social media notifications you receive on your phone. Various things buggle our minds and stops us from concentrating on the task at hand. Focus is a major lack in individuals as it hinders them from concentrating on their goals. These distractions could be in form of urgencies of life - a gas cylinder to fill, a social media notification to attend to, errands to run, meal to prepare, clothes to wash, an assignment to submit, a friend to visit, etc. Some of these noises and urgencies of life may be genuine and necessary. Set aside time to attend to these urgencies of life but never allow these urgencies of life get in your way when it is time to grow.
What next?
seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom...
seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom...
2. Spend quality time to grow
After cutting off from those distractions, there is something to do. This is where growth and development takes place.
After cutting off from those distractions, there is something to do. This is where growth and development takes place.
seek and intermeddle with all wisdom...
There are books to read, healthy materials to consume; books on creativity, productivity, emotional intelligence, financial stability, behavioural psychology, motivation, focus, you name it. Real growth takes place when you set aside time to grow.
Difference Between the Genius and Ignoramus
A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself.
Lack of delight, desire, passion for life is what differentiates one from the other. One is desirous for success but the other is uninterested and indifferent; One is active but the other is passive. Do you find yourself in the position of letting life happen to you? You need to switch position and change sides. Rise up, launch out, reach out, go for wisdom, pay the price, be active.
What to do from here
The top for you is different from the top for me, and the principles for getting there remains the same for every one of us. It therefore implies there is no competition and we can all get to the top.
1. Stir in yourself the desire to reach the top
2. Cut away from distractions
3. Spend quality time to grow
4. Live an active lifestyle
The top for you is different from the top for me, and the principles for getting there remains the same for every one of us. It therefore implies there is no competition and we can all get to the top.
1. Stir in yourself the desire to reach the top
2. Cut away from distractions
3. Spend quality time to grow
4. Live an active lifestyle
You're not alone. Let's climb up the ladder together...
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