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The Secret to Success: Focus

What success may mean to one may be different from what success may mean to someone else. For an ex- student, success may mean gaining admission into a tertiary institution, while for a college student, it may mean getting a grade point sufficient enough to earn a first class or maintain a currently high CGPA. For a parent, it may mean giving her Children sound scriptural training in the way of the Lord. Success may also mean living a balanced Christian life; living a fulfilled stress - free life, or acquiring a skill for an independent financially self sufficient future life.
Whatever the definition you give to success, Success is simply accomplishing your set goals and objectives. As wonderful and as necessary it is to succeed in life, it is important to note that there are innumerable distractions to success.

An Eagle with a keen vision

There are a lot of reasons why people don't succeed. The reason is they are often distracted by ephemeral things. This shifts their mind and their focus from their goal.
In order not to be distracted, here are a few things to consider as you journey toward success.
1. S - Set your goal.
The reason why many are unfocused in life is because they have no goal set. A set goal fixes your mind and focuses your attention, your strength and your energy. Don't keep your goal floating in your memory. WRITE THE VISION! and MAKE IT PLAIN!
2. U - Uphold your goal
When you have set your goals, made your decisions, you must hold firm to it. If you don't stand on your goals, you'll be distracted by everything. Understand the importance of the goal you set for success; understand the priority of accomplishing your goals; count the cost and implication of not achieving your set goal. Have it fully registered in your mind that - this is the goal, Nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.
3. C - Concentrate on your goal
A limitless number of opportunities and possibilities combat our minds everyday. There is the tendency for distractions if we do not streamline our goals and focus on them. So many things call for our attention. Millions of thoughts and ideas bombard our minds everyday. Concentration on your goal is an important tool you will need to accomplish your purpose and be successful. Eliminate nonessentials and focus. If you do this, you will not be distracted.
4. C - Create a game plan or a schedule for your goal
Aiming for success, pursuing success achieving success does not stop at the point of having a goal set. Put your goal in the real world and make a game plan for it. Block out time - a specific day and time for pursuing your goal. It has been proven scientifically that those who create action plans for their goals and put their goals into schedules are more likely to pursue their goals than those who do not.
If your goal as a student is to obtain a first class GPA this semester, Your game plan will be to study everyday, your schedule will be to block out time when you can study without distractions from social media, friends, neighbours, etc.
If your goal is to write an inspiring book, your action plan will be to hold a journal and keep writing more frequently; your schedule may be to seat down and write on specific days of the week, morning, afternoon or evening.
If your goal is to bring up godly children, your action plan will be to intercede for them regularly, teach them the word of God, counsel them and be a model to them. Your schedule will be to always create time for them everyday and to intercede for them every night.
If your goal is learn a skill (e.g Keyboard, a new language, programming etc.) Your action plan will be to always be on seat and practise, putting your skill into a schedule will give it space to play out in the real world.
5. Cancel every distraction by saying NO.
A powerful vocabulary is the word NO. To overcome temptations, you say NO. To overcome distractions, you need the same word, NO. You'd be tempted to pick up your phone to check up your social media updates when you ought to study, say NO. If you're tempted to pick up your phone at a time you ought to be praying or having your quiet time, say NO. If a friend aimlessly visits you and intends you aimlessly chat for hours nonstop, show that friend the way to the door and say,  NO. If you're constantly being distracted by your mind, each time you notice this, say NO and concentrate on the task at hand. Whichever way distraction presents itself, defeat such distraction with a firm and resolute NO.
6. E - Enjoy your goal
There are people who pursue their goals passionlessly; without zeal, drive and enthusiasm. Some people drag their feet when it comes to pursuing their academic goals, spiritual goals and other goals they set for themselves. The only way to speed up your way to success is to enjoy the Journey to success. Be excited, be optimistic, be full of life as you aim towards your goal. When you truly enjoy the journey to success, you will not be distracted by anything.
7. S - Stick to your goal until you accomplish it.
There are people who start off with pursuing their goals but give up in the long run. As you pursue your goals to success, keep the end in mind. There would be challenges to face, obstacles to climb over, trials to overcome. You need tenacity of mind, grit and discipline in order to stick long enough to your goals.
8. Seek the Lord
From start to finish, you need to seek the Lord. He gives us power, grace, and strength to pursue our goals to success and fulfillment. You cannot succeed if you don't rely on the Lord. He'll hold your hands and will give you the grace you need at every step of the journey.
The road to success is paved with many tempting parking lots. This Year 2020, "Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee." (Proverbs 4:25 KJV).
As you drive towards success, refuse to park your vehicle in any of the tempting parking lot of distractions. Zoom to success and be unstoppable!


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